Contact us

B&B Palazzo a Merse
Località Palazzo a Merse, 22
53018 S.Rocco a Pilli – Siena
Margherita +39 3381623253
Andrea +39 3386762818
Federica +39 3356729348


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    We inform you that the data you provide to the operator of this site when filling out the "contact form" (also called the "mail form") of the site itself, will be processed in compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation 216/679, Code on protection of personal data.

    The contact form made available on the site has the sole purpose of allowing site visitors to contact, if they so wish, the operator of the site, by sending an e-mail to the manager via the aforementioned form.
    This information concerns the personal data sent by the visitor during the compilation of the contact form.

    We inform you that the data you will voluntarily provide via the form will be transformed into an email that may be stored in the e-mail reception system used by the site owner.

    This data will not be recorded on other media or devices, nor will any other data deriving from its navigation on the site be recorded.

    At any time by writing to the Data Process Manager B & B Palazzo a Merse - Località Palazzo a Merse, 22 - 53010 S.Rocco a Pilli - Siena - Tel. +39 3381623253 it is possible to obtain the updating, correction and deletion of data.